Programy Stałe ds. Praktyk Klinicznych & Wymiany Naukowej /Standing Committees on Professional Exchanges and Research Exchanges (SCOPE&SCORE)

W ramach Programu Stałego ds. Praktyk Klinicznych (SCOPE) i Programu Stałego ds. Wymiany Naukowej (SCORE), zbiorczo nazywanych przez nas “Exchanges”, nasz kraj co roku opuszcza prawie 500 osób - studentów medycyny i nie tylko, a w ich miejsce przyjeżdża tyle samo studentów zagranicznych, którzy wybrali Polskę jako kraj, w którym chcą spędzić miesiąc, praktykować medycynę, uczestniczyć w projektach naukowych i poznawać naszą kulturę.
Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej? Zajrzyj do zakładki “Praktyki i Wymiany Międzynarodowe”!



The Professional Exchange program is a full educational program offering clerkships to medical students abroad. Since the very beginning, in 1951, it was evident that exchange of medical students would be one of the main fields of action in IFMSA. As early as 1952, a total of 463 students spent a period of practice abroad, and today, it continues to be the backbone of the Federation and constitutes its longest running project. Annually, around 13.000 students from more than 90 countries travel around the world to discover new health systems, new cultures and to enhance their global health and intercultural understanding.



Unfortunately, many medical students do not have the opportunity to experience research while in medical school. Research is essential for the development of medicine and without it, the medical field could never have reached the stage it is at now with innovative methods of diagnosis and treatments. Put together the experience of improving research skills with an unforgettable cultural learning opportunity and you have the Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE)!



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